Tuhh, who said being an E N T R E P R E N U E R was easy!?
Owning and running a business is difficult at times but sooo rewarding. You have long mornings and nights, doubts, and frustrations. Slow days where you aren’t making any sales and then days where it picks up and you booming. Highs, lows and sacrifices with being an entrepreneur is something you will definitely experience, it’s not for the weak I must add! I have to remember that God is the CEO of my business, he gave me the visions and I am executing it. Day by day I’m learning this whole “business thing” but let me tell you that having God involved is a different ball game, I’m happy we on the same team thou
I chose to continue to push through despite the tears and doubtful moments I may have. Of course it’s hard, but not too hard for me. "I know God has a special plan and assignment with my name on it,wrapped up just for me, thank you Jesus". I tell myself daily, I was created for this, you got this, JUST don’t quit!! With struggle comes strength is a reminder that I tell myself on a daily, hell sometimes multiple times a day.
Slow and steady- there is no rush on greatness. No race just a marathon! Remember to stay in your own lane. Your time will come!
Learning lesson- I’ve learned that when I surrender to God, trust him, and listen the grind that I do will simply bless me with his Grace, I've accomplished more than I could think or imagined in my business by allowing him to be the CEO of Tulip’s Bomb Body Care. You will never fully know what God is doing, you must be still and listen: trust me it will all make sense when it’s supposed to. Until then it’s GRACE over GRIND. No matter how long it takes for #Tulipsbombbodycare / #Tulipinspirations to be known worldwide about its amazing self care and skin care benefits, I’m here 1000% pursuing my dreams, allowing God to be the CEO (while trusting and listening to him) and changing lives one skin at a time.
My life may not be going the way I planned, but its going EXACTLY the way GOD planned it.
Love yourself Always, Tulip
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